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Life of an American Woman

The huge popularity of #YesAllWomen hashtags on Twitter has created a new space for important and ongoing con…

softwares used to manufactures is not limited yet

The race among smartphone manufacturers is not limited only on developing hardware, it is also happening in…

The technology war among samsung , xiaomi and LG

3.1 Technology Wars If in the past, smartphones hadn’t had much distinguishable than the normal telephone bu…

New era of smartphones within 2007

3 New era of smartphone The real smartphone is said to be in 2007 when Apple revealed IPhone. At that time,…

First generation of smart phones

The first generation of mobile phone The first smartphone came out 20 years ago, (date 11/26/1993) in COMDE…

Smartphones starts revolution

Smartphone, a device which is no longer a strange thing to majority of people since it has gradually entered…

Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses Updated

Annex 4 - Force Majeure and Hardship Clauses Updated The International Chamber of Commerce recently issued …

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